Fossil & Mineral Alley Show 2024

Show Details:

  1. Event Date:
  2. Timing:
  3. Venue:
  4. Address:
  5. Official Website:
  6. Official Email:

Buyers and Visitors Information:

  1. Frequency:
  2. Show Type:
  3. Type of Products:
  4. Admission: Free entry and Free parking
  5. Open To:
  6. Number of Exhibitors:
  7. For Visitors: Visitor Pre-registration Form
  8. For Wholesalers: Wholesaler Pre-registration Form
  9. Credentials Required: Sale Tax ID for wholesale purchases

Exhibitors Information:

  1. Application for Exhibitors: Exhibitors Application Form

Event Details
Event Details

January 26th - February 11th 2024
10.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. (Daily)
10.00 A.M. - 4.00 P.M. (Last Day)

For more details check official website:

2024 Exhibitor: 70

1: Alaska Fossils & Artifacts
Location: 156

2: Archeology &Paleontology for Everyone
Location: 112

3: Around Morocco
Location: 150

4: Baltic Research
Location: 159

5: Blaine Reed Meteorites
Location: 134
Products: Meteorites - Moldavite - Tektite

6: Caruso's Fossils / Bakersfield Shark Teeth
Location: 155

7: Comet Meteorite Shop
Location: 152
Products: Fossils - Rare Meteorites - Wholesale Meteorites

8: Compania de Indias
Location: 138

9: Dakota Fossils
Location: 169

10: Dempsey Ridge
Location: 168

11: Educational Biofacts
Location: 149

12: Eldonia SAS
Location: 167

13: Eskimo Artifax and Ivory
Location: 133

14: Ethiopian heritage Imports
Location: 121

15: Fossil Mineral Gibfried
Location: 158

16: Fossils, Inc.
Location: 137

17: Fossils Online, Inc.
Location: 151, 153
Products: Fossil Shark Teeth

17: Fossils Outcrop
Location: 146

Location: 154

Location: 143

20: From Stone Age To Space Age
Location: 125

21: Geo Fossils
Location: 105

22: Geoda
Location: 136

23: Gold Bugs Trilobites
Location: 141
Products: Museum Quality Minerals - Pyritized Trilobites - Trilobites24

24: Guilin Jinglin Mineral Shop
Location: T-6

25: H.K Meteorite
Location: 162

26: Haus der Steine
Location: 104
Products: Carving Wood

27: Himalayan Rock, Mineral & Handicraft Ind. Pvt. Ltd.
Location: 145

28: International Fossil Co
Location: 130, 132

29: Jiatianxia Rock Shop
Location: T-6

30: Lan Tian Rock Shop
Location: T-4

31: Lost World Fossils
Location: 140
Products: Ammolite - Crinoids - Dinosaur Fossils - Fossil Shark Teeth - Green River Fossils - Kansas Fossils - Petrified Wood - Trilobites

32: Magic Sahara Meteorite
Location: 123

33: McCarthy’s Fossils
Location: 112

34: Meng Yuan Rock Shop
Location: T-1

35: Meteorite Finder
Location: 147

36: Miles of Alaska
Location: 127
Products: Jewelry - Mineral Specimen - Crystals - Fossils - Handicrafts

37: Mineral & Fossil Import
Location: 126

38: Minute Man Fossils
Location: 131

39: Moore & Moore Fossils
Location: 144

40: Mymeteorite, LLC.
Location: 160

41: Natural Canvas, The
Location: 120

42: Natural Selections
Location: 139

43: Northwest Montana Fossils
Location: 109

44: Pacific Geo Lab
Location: 108

45: Paleo Passion, LLC.
Location: 163, 164

46: Paleo Tex, LLC.
Location: 107

47: Paleo-Pix-Foussils
Location: 135

48: Prehistoric Collector, The
Location: 147

49: Red River Paleontology, LLC
Location: 161

50: Renaissance Fossils
Location: 118

51: Rex Creek Discoveries
Location: 103

52: Rex Kowalski
Location: T-3

53: Sahara Treasures SARL
Location: 114, 116
Products: Beads

54: Sahladui
Location: T-7

Location: 165, 166
Products: Fossil - Jewelry - Minerals Specimen

56: Siberian Fossils
Location: T-2

57: Simon Cohen Fossils
Location: 148

58: Smoky Mountain Relic Room
Location: 117, 119
Products: Ancient African - Ancient Viking Artifacts - Antiques - Fossils - Minerals

Location: 110
Products: Largest Fukang Pallasite - Meteorite Education Kits - Meteorite Jewelry - Museum Quality MeteoritesSt.

61: Petersburg Paleontological Lab
Location: 122, 124
Products: Ammonites - Museum Grade Fossils - Trilobites

62: Star bond
Location: 156

63: Steve's Fossil Shark Teeth, Inc.
Location: 151, 153
Products: Fossil Shark Teeth - Fossils - Wholesale Shark Teeth

64: T & M Stones - Meteorites
Location: 142

65: Tiyupati Mineral
Location: T-5

66: Trevor George, LLC.
Location: 106

67: Trilobites of America
Location: 131

68: Utah Dump Digger
Location: 128, T-9
Products: Dinosaur Gembone - Fossil Teeth - Rough Slab Cabuchons

69: Viacheslav Kalachev Meteorites
Location: 157

70: West Desert Gems, LLC.
Location: 170

Event Date:
November 01 - November 03, 2024

Operation hours:
Daily: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Last Day: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Check our website for more information.
Official Website:

Venue: Pontchartrain Center

Address: 4545 Williams Blvd., Kenner, LA 70065, United States

Phone: +1 504-265-8830

Official Website:

AKS Gem Show all events are open to the general public .

Check our website for more information.
Official Website:

Attending as General Public:
Admission cost for attending to the AKS Bead and Jewelry Show is only $5 for the entire weekend for the general public. Free parking is also provided. Save more by joining our mailing list. For joining our mailing list follow link below:

Attending as Wholesale Buyer:
Wholesale buyers who preregister and bring in a copy of their sales tax id will be admitted “free of charge.” Wholesale buyers may bring one guest with them, also at no charge.
Register here as wholesale buyer:

Check our website for more information.
Official Website:

We welcome all ages at our events, but for bead and jewelry show children must be 8 years of age or older are allowed to attend.

Check our website for more information.
Official Website:

Retail shoppers are welcome, Shop at any AKS Bead and Jewelry Show and YOU will find fantastic savings on fine jewelry, fashion jewelry, gemstones, beads, beading supplies, findings, pearls, charms, seed beads, designer cabochons, gold, silver, and more. Join our email list and receive discounts, not only on your admission, but also from exhibitor discount coupons. For joining our mailing list please follow below link:

Check our website for more information.
Official Website:

If you have additional questions or need further assistance, you can easily reach out to the organizers by following ways:

Phone: Phone: +1 504-265-8830

Check our website for more information.
Official Website:

Raj Patel
Mike Desai
+1 520-730-2020